Time has gotten away from me...Thinking back over the last couple of weeks...
To recap...My husband is happy that I no longer snore (at all!!!) I don't think that I did regularly (we debate about that :) I think that the weight loss and the fact that I have been avoiding dairy have both contributed. About the dairy....I also no longer have headaches. I have had chronic headaches for as long as I can remember. A Dr. once told me that I needed to have sinus surgery. I never did because I heard that it was no fun at all!!!! Thankful that the headaches are GONE. I honestly only have had one in the last 40 days... That is a big difference for me! It has really got me thinking how much I want to incorporate many elements of the candida diet in my meals from now forward. Another happy fact, just today I took down a pair of the jeans from my closet, dusted off the cobwebs and slid easily into a size 8! That is 2 sizes down now!!! I really am amazed just how effective the whole Mlis program has been. The food choices, nutritional supplements, detox elements, body wraps and lymphatic drainage massage have all worked together in an awesome way...
Coming clean: Ok, I have to admit that I briefly fell off the wagon last week and had a piece of apple pie that I had in the freezer saved for my daughter's boyfriend who couldn't be with us at Thanksgiving. It was yummy! I got right back on the horse the next morning :)
I also was a bit lax about the excercise early on. The weight loss has really motivated me though, and I am now doing a pilates video and 30 minutes on the
treadmill each day. The video is excellent! It combines stretching, pilates, breathing and scripture verses. It is just perfect! Sophie is having fun trying to do the pilates with me. She loves it! She also loves throwing her small stuffed animals on the treadmill and watching them fly off :) Working out at home is the best for me right now. Sara Olsen has an awesome studio and is really excellent, if you like the accountability of a trainer and/or group workouts! sarasfitnessbydesign.com
So these last final days I am doing the final detox cleanse, body wrap and massage (YES!) Thanks for hanging with me through this journey. I have learned so much, am feeling stronger, healthier and can't wait to shop for my Mother-of-the-groom dress! We will do one last post with our "after" pictures next week :)
If this is something that interests you, I would encourage you to schedule a free consultation. The Mlis program offers weight loss, candida, and also many specialized programs that have helped many with other issues such as celiacs, autoimmune disorders, child candida, ADD, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia and more. You have nothing to loose and EVERYTHING to gain!
Blessings and Good Health!
Brenda and Aubrey @glo facial spa
This blog is written by Brenda Berndt, esthetician, permanent cosmetic technician and owner of glo facial spa. The purpose is to educate others how to achieve healthy skin. The best methods to clear acne, the latest skin anti aging technology and ingredients and the best permanent cosmetic techniques are some of the topics that will be addressed. It really is possible to have glowing skin....and I'd love to share that glo with you!
Brenda Berndt
esthetician and owner of glo facial spa & skin center
Friday, December 13, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Update week 4!
Welcome Back!
Well we survived the Thanksgiving holidays....yes, two weekends of tempting foods in a row for us! We visited my husbands parents in Kentucky and it took a little prep....What is it about going on a trip??? Like emotional eating, we seem to have our favorite food and Starbucks drinks on speed-dial when we enter the vehicle and head down the road! I packed some nuts, brown rice cakes and almond butter and that got me there six hours later pretty happy.
I had not planned to weigh in until the end of the 45 days, but my Mother-in-Law had a scale in the bathroom and I couldn't resist.... 12 lbs down!!! Aubrey texted me later and said that was exactly what she had lost too. I had packed all my herbal supplements for each day but forgot to pack the slender-aid. Slender-aid I found out has been a BIG help in the program. It is a blend of 11 herbs that substantially decrease the appetite. In addition this particular blend works together to assist the breakdown of fat around the heart and other vital organs. I really could tell a difference. I did crave sugar and carbs more.
My closet is a mix of "now" clothes and "then" clothes. I had the happy occasion of retiring my only pair of "now" jeans :) Off to the store I went to purchase a couple of pairs of pants in my new size!! That was a great feeling! I'm sure my "then clothes" are pretty outdated by now and will be making a trip to the Salvation Army at some point. (I'm kind of a horder with clothes)
December 20th is the finish line..It is getting closer. We have one more 3 day detox period at the end of next week. Energy levels are still good, waning a bit from all the holiday activities, but all-in-all feeling super good. This week I plan to get out the pilates video and get to work on that. Toning and core strength and flexibility are all needed! My brother's in law put together my far-infa red sauna that had been sitting in the corner of the basement! I'm excited to incorporate that. It is a great way to further the detox and is relaxing as well. I am super excited as I have purchased an infa-red sauna blanket for the spa as well. It will be a great addition to a body wrap and especially for those going through the Mlis weight-loss program.
I just scheduled a massage for this Friday too. Yeah! It is going to be 90 minutes too. I have never had a massage that length...HEAVEN!
I've been researching how to bake with healthier grains...oat flour, brown rice, etc. More about that later. I forgot to mention that my hair and nails are growing like crazy. I'm sure that is the work of the supplements too. I will need to be seeing my stylist Sally who has a shop in my office suit! She is awesome...expecting her first baby too. How fun to experience that.
Have a wonderful week!
(photo's of our trip
to Kentucky)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Week 3 update!
This week has really gone by fast! First Detox period is over. Aubrey and I both received our body wrap this week as well. I'll kind of walk you through what that is like.
First - body is exfoliated with "buff" this is a physical and enzyme exfoliant. Tiny ground pumice and papaya work together to loosen dead skin cells and prepare the body to absorb the niacin cream. Next the niacin cream is applied, followed by the wrap. The wrap is a saran type wrap that is wrapped in a specific way to contour the body and stimulate the lymphatic system. It is left on a total of 1 hour. We were warm and comfortable, but not hot while in the wrap. The idea is for the niacin to be absorbed into the body, not sweated out! It is important to drink lots of water after the wrap to eliminate toxins. When the wrap was removed, I felt so great, really calm and rested. Aubrey did receive her massage, but my schedule did not allow me to this week. I have it to look forward to next week! We will continue to apply the body exfoliant and maintain (home care of niacin) to maximize the results of the wrap.
Thanksgiving!!! It was wonderful to have many of my family in from Michigan this week/weekend! My brothers in law and Russ had their own little "deer camp" and our home was camp! My Mom, three Sisters, my daughters and cousins all had a wonderful time cooking and visiting! We had our "feast" Saturday. We literally cooked from sunrise until about 4:00pm that day! EVERYTHING from scratch, down to the roasting of a pumpkin from our garden for the pie! I didn't get to eat that, but the word was that it was the best pie ever!!! We had all the traditional food, but I had spent time earlier gathering and experimenting with recipes so that those of us (three) who are doing the candida/weight loss diet could have a great meal as well....and it WAS!
This week has really gone by fast! First Detox period is over. Aubrey and I both received our body wrap this week as well. I'll kind of walk you through what that is like.
First - body is exfoliated with "buff" this is a physical and enzyme exfoliant. Tiny ground pumice and papaya work together to loosen dead skin cells and prepare the body to absorb the niacin cream. Next the niacin cream is applied, followed by the wrap. The wrap is a saran type wrap that is wrapped in a specific way to contour the body and stimulate the lymphatic system. It is left on a total of 1 hour. We were warm and comfortable, but not hot while in the wrap. The idea is for the niacin to be absorbed into the body, not sweated out! It is important to drink lots of water after the wrap to eliminate toxins. When the wrap was removed, I felt so great, really calm and rested. Aubrey did receive her massage, but my schedule did not allow me to this week. I have it to look forward to next week! We will continue to apply the body exfoliant and maintain (home care of niacin) to maximize the results of the wrap.
Thanksgiving!!! It was wonderful to have many of my family in from Michigan this week/weekend! My brothers in law and Russ had their own little "deer camp" and our home was camp! My Mom, three Sisters, my daughters and cousins all had a wonderful time cooking and visiting! We had our "feast" Saturday. We literally cooked from sunrise until about 4:00pm that day! EVERYTHING from scratch, down to the roasting of a pumpkin from our garden for the pie! I didn't get to eat that, but the word was that it was the best pie ever!!! We had all the traditional food, but I had spent time earlier gathering and experimenting with recipes so that those of us (three) who are doing the candida/weight loss diet could have a great meal as well....and it WAS!
The top picture is one of the tables. My Sister, Michelle and niece, Martina spent hours making the cute turkey's with each family members names (we had 19 there!)
The middle picture is my plate...I could have arranged it a bit better, but believe me, it was yummy!
Our "special menu" was Roast Turkey, mashed cauliflower, quinoa stuffing seasoned with celery, turkey broth, onion and sage, fresh cranberry relish with walnuts/pecans, slightly sweetened with stevia, lettuce salad with olive oil, lemon juice dressing, green beans and coconut balls (our dessert)
I think it was the first Thanksgiving dinner that I can remember where I didn't feel like I was in a sick, food coma after...that was really a good feeling!
I did find that I needed to send home the coconut cream pie, Mom's real stuffing, homemade pumpkin pie, Apple pie, and cheesecakes home with the kids!!! They were happy to get it and I didn't want it in the house!!!!
Everyone commented how great we both looked! OH, and I went down a pant size!!!!
We all sat around the fireplace in the living room and told what we were thankful for this year. Our Faith in God, Family, Friends topped the list. I am also truly thankful to be regaining my health!!!
Aubrey has been breaking out on her skin.....this is likely the result of a rapid die off of the candida.
When yeast cells are rapidly killed, a die-off (or Herxheimer reaction) occurs and metabolic by-products are released into the body. This can cause certain symptoms that will resolve themselves usually in a week or two.
Aubrey is also getting creative in the kitchen. She concocted a delicious shake of coconut milk, almond butter and cinnamon!!! We will be enjoying this all week!!!
Have a wonderful week with YOUR family and friends!!!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Mlis Candida/Weight-loss/detox program Week 2!
This has been a good week! Energy level has been pretty high. The beginning of the week, we noticed that our first 3 day detox in the program would fall over our Thanksgiving, which we are celebrating the 21st. That would not do!!! We made a minor adjustment and decided to do the detox a bit early. The detox looks like this:
Eat only veggies for two days to prep for detox. During this time we began taking the DETOX herbal capsules, CLEANSE and FIBER. On the first day of the detox, we used our Mlis bottle (32 oz) and filled it with juice of three lemons (Several years ago I purchased an electric juicer :)...this is awesome! Add to the lemons pure maple syrup and distilled water. The bottle is conveniently marked with fill lines. This was our "food for 3 days" Truth is we felt so good that we went an extra day. The mixture provided all the vitamins/nutrients and glucose that our bodies needed and amazingly we felt great. I think it tastes like a lemon shake up from the fair...Aubrey is not so sure. We also continued the Detox herbal capsules during this time. It was a nice break from all the other supplements!!!!! Distilled water works as a magnet, attracting unused, discarded and rejected minerals from our bodies, the blood and lymph help and they are eliminated. The detox period is the only time distilled water is used. Filtered water is used all other times.
Our body wrap and massage is tomorrow!!! I have been looking forward to this...kind of a reward. I'll tell you more about that in the next post :)
Early in the week, before we started detox, I took the time (rather tedious) to empty my supplements into a glass and "drink" instead of swallowing. I would NOT recommend this...didn't taste too well at all!
Noticable results??? My belly is shrinking YEAH!!!! Face looks not quite so round, Aubrey's too...clothes are feeling looser. I am not a scale person and do not plan to weigh in until the end. I did weigh before we started.
Cravings? I did crave dessert of any kind this week!!! Aubrey misses coffee the most. Oh and we discovered that Costco has a wonderful tabouli which we ate early in the week in salad....SUPER YUMMY!!!!!!!
I am cooking for 20 plus for our Thanksgiving. My Sister and Brother in law just returned from seeing a specialist in Colorado for auto immune disorders. He specializes in this, even has worked for NASA. He has put them on an anti-inflammatory diet that is very similar to the Mlis program. It will make cooking even more fun if others will be eating our special "menu" ...I'll let you know what we had next post...I can't wait!!!
Have a great day/evening and always and many, many blessings to you!
Brenda @ glo facial spa & skin center
This has been a good week! Energy level has been pretty high. The beginning of the week, we noticed that our first 3 day detox in the program would fall over our Thanksgiving, which we are celebrating the 21st. That would not do!!! We made a minor adjustment and decided to do the detox a bit early. The detox looks like this:
Eat only veggies for two days to prep for detox. During this time we began taking the DETOX herbal capsules, CLEANSE and FIBER. On the first day of the detox, we used our Mlis bottle (32 oz) and filled it with juice of three lemons (Several years ago I purchased an electric juicer :)...this is awesome! Add to the lemons pure maple syrup and distilled water. The bottle is conveniently marked with fill lines. This was our "food for 3 days" Truth is we felt so good that we went an extra day. The mixture provided all the vitamins/nutrients and glucose that our bodies needed and amazingly we felt great. I think it tastes like a lemon shake up from the fair...Aubrey is not so sure. We also continued the Detox herbal capsules during this time. It was a nice break from all the other supplements!!!!! Distilled water works as a magnet, attracting unused, discarded and rejected minerals from our bodies, the blood and lymph help and they are eliminated. The detox period is the only time distilled water is used. Filtered water is used all other times.
Our body wrap and massage is tomorrow!!! I have been looking forward to this...kind of a reward. I'll tell you more about that in the next post :)
Early in the week, before we started detox, I took the time (rather tedious) to empty my supplements into a glass and "drink" instead of swallowing. I would NOT recommend this...didn't taste too well at all!
Noticable results??? My belly is shrinking YEAH!!!! Face looks not quite so round, Aubrey's too...clothes are feeling looser. I am not a scale person and do not plan to weigh in until the end. I did weigh before we started.
Cravings? I did crave dessert of any kind this week!!! Aubrey misses coffee the most. Oh and we discovered that Costco has a wonderful tabouli which we ate early in the week in salad....SUPER YUMMY!!!!!!!
I am cooking for 20 plus for our Thanksgiving. My Sister and Brother in law just returned from seeing a specialist in Colorado for auto immune disorders. He specializes in this, even has worked for NASA. He has put them on an anti-inflammatory diet that is very similar to the Mlis program. It will make cooking even more fun if others will be eating our special "menu" ...I'll let you know what we had next post...I can't wait!!!
Have a great day/evening and always and many, many blessings to you!
Brenda @ glo facial spa & skin center
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Mlis - Week one update!
Week one is finished!
Looking back over my journal entries for the week: Day 1-3 felt really good. No real hunger cravings. (It helped that I had eliminated sugar/carbs/caffine the few days before starting. Both Aubrey and I did notice that we "peed" a LOT! Drinking lots of water and hot water with lemon throughout the day and in the AM/PM to swallow the nutrient supplements, which I will say has been the most difficult thing to get used to. I kept thinking about all those who because of health problems, have to take lots of med's daily...The supplements are only temporary, during the program. .I would rather work on staying healthy now and AVOID being a pill popper later on! Diet day 1 and 2 consisted of mostly salads and the meal replacement (chocolate is delicious!!!!) I found this to be really convenient at work and sometimes for breakfast when in a hurry. I got a little creative on day 3 when craving "real food" I made a concoction of chicken, garlic, roma tomatoes, shredded carrots and onions on the top of the stove for dinner. It was really great!
Day 4-7 Day four I was feeling a bit tired, but noticed as I climbed the stairs my joint (knee) didn't ache as it usually does!!! Yeah I had some extra time today so google found me a great recipe to make (I even served it to my lovely daughter Amanda and her boyfriend Phil who were here visiting from Rockford) Quinoa meatloaf and mashed cauliflower. I used turkey for us and did make one with beef as my hubby is NOT a ground turkey fan. I took a detox bath during this time and continued to use the buff, body exfoliant and maintain detoxifying cream. I love the smell of the maintain!!!! It really makes sense to me to keep your body well exfoliated well. Our skin is the largest elimination organ of our body!!!
We had a family birthday party for my son Alec at Alexander's steakhouse. I had a bit of Salmon and salad bar. Olive oil with a sqeeze of lemon is our new salad dressing...Really simple and good! It felt great to leave there not groggy with overeating...pretty sure that's a first for me there!!! I even made our homemade traditional birthday cake (jello cake) I really did want to eat that, but it felt good to make it for my family. Sophie's birthday is in December and I will have some then :)
I also took several walks outside in the sunshine this week! I have a new treadmill waiting for me in our basement that I got our family for and early Christmas gift. There won't be too many beautiful fall days like this and I wanted to soak in that vitamin D and take in the beauty of the fall color and hay bales in the fields surrounding our home. Life is Good, God is Great!
Looking back over my journal entries for the week: Day 1-3 felt really good. No real hunger cravings. (It helped that I had eliminated sugar/carbs/caffine the few days before starting. Both Aubrey and I did notice that we "peed" a LOT! Drinking lots of water and hot water with lemon throughout the day and in the AM/PM to swallow the nutrient supplements, which I will say has been the most difficult thing to get used to. I kept thinking about all those who because of health problems, have to take lots of med's daily...The supplements are only temporary, during the program. .I would rather work on staying healthy now and AVOID being a pill popper later on! Diet day 1 and 2 consisted of mostly salads and the meal replacement (chocolate is delicious!!!!) I found this to be really convenient at work and sometimes for breakfast when in a hurry. I got a little creative on day 3 when craving "real food" I made a concoction of chicken, garlic, roma tomatoes, shredded carrots and onions on the top of the stove for dinner. It was really great!
Day 4-7 Day four I was feeling a bit tired, but noticed as I climbed the stairs my joint (knee) didn't ache as it usually does!!! Yeah I had some extra time today so google found me a great recipe to make (I even served it to my lovely daughter Amanda and her boyfriend Phil who were here visiting from Rockford) Quinoa meatloaf and mashed cauliflower. I used turkey for us and did make one with beef as my hubby is NOT a ground turkey fan. I took a detox bath during this time and continued to use the buff, body exfoliant and maintain detoxifying cream. I love the smell of the maintain!!!! It really makes sense to me to keep your body well exfoliated well. Our skin is the largest elimination organ of our body!!!
We had a family birthday party for my son Alec at Alexander's steakhouse. I had a bit of Salmon and salad bar. Olive oil with a sqeeze of lemon is our new salad dressing...Really simple and good! It felt great to leave there not groggy with overeating...pretty sure that's a first for me there!!! I even made our homemade traditional birthday cake (jello cake) I really did want to eat that, but it felt good to make it for my family. Sophie's birthday is in December and I will have some then :)
I also took several walks outside in the sunshine this week! I have a new treadmill waiting for me in our basement that I got our family for and early Christmas gift. There won't be too many beautiful fall days like this and I wanted to soak in that vitamin D and take in the beauty of the fall color and hay bales in the fields surrounding our home. Life is Good, God is Great!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Let the Journey Begin!
Week 1 in a candida/weight loss/detox program
Why such a long name? Wouldn't a simple detox be enough to begin a weight loss program? What is candida anyway?
Our goal was to increase our health, lose inches and keep it that way!
Following the Mlis wellness lifestyle system (They have been around over 20 plus years and have the case-studies to back up their program) It is recommended to do a candida screening first before beginning a weight-loss program. This is because of our American diet (large portions, small nutrition) combined with antibiotic usage and often birth control leaves the majority of us with many symptoms of candida or yeast/fungus overgrowth in our bodies.
After completing the candida evaluation form, we had many of the symptoms and just decided to take care of that first. It is often difficult to achieve weight/inch loss with a candida overgrowth, so it just makes sense to us! Since weight/inch loss is also a goal, we will be combining the weight loss program at the same time and so to say, killing two birds (or fat cells) with one stone (program).
This is a 45 day program (yes we still WILL be participating in Thanksgiving, just a slightly modified feast!)
So now comes the humbling part....The before pictures. I seriously thought about putting my photoshop skills to use and replacing my lovely, more fit daughter Aubrey's body shots with my face, vice versa...you get the picture....Since we work together on a daily basis, I didn't think it was a good idea :)
We also took close up pictures of our faces, as I expect skin to improve as well!
Especially areas of breakouts that sugar is largely responsible for. (I'll post before/after picture at the end of the program)
Here is what the next two days will be like: Fruits and vegetables only, removing caffine and sugar/carbs now will lessen the body's shock and unpleasant symptoms such as headaches if done before the detox period begins. Stopping meat and eating fruits and veggies only gets our bodies ready for the detox that will begin on day three. I'll post more in a few days! Wish us luck!
Have a fantastic week!
Brenda and Aubrey
(written by Brenda)
glo facial spa & skin center
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